Sunday, August 23, 2009

1st Day Of Ramadhan..

Alhamdulillah....Everything went well during the first day of Ramadhan. The wheather is cooling which is Great too. Syukur...

It just that deep in my heart, I feels like I'm missing something. The feeling of loneliness is too Great. Sigh!! Luckily I had my family, uncles n aunts and also my cousins who is here to breakfast, terawikh and sahur together.

Hopefully tomorrow will be another great day and weather. And hopefully the feeling of loneliness will disperse soonest. InsyaAllah..


  1. missing apa yek?? hehe..
    selamat berpuasa!

  2. missing kenangan berpuasa selama 6thun yg lepas..erm...
