Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Day The Doctor Diagnosed Ayah With Stage 2 Colon Cancer - Part 2

26th January 2011

The doctor had scheduled for the CT scan to be done at 10 am that morning. Ayah and Mama looks calmed even though I know deep inside them, they are worried. At around 9.45am, the nurse took Ayah down to the Imaging department to do the CT scan. I accompanied Ayah and advised him not to worry.

In the evening, the doctor came to see us and informed us that it is a stage 2 colon cancer. Dad need to be operate soonest and the doctor had scheduled him for an operation at 1.30pm 27th January 2011.

We only told close relatives about this news and I only told my closest friends. Words of encouraging came from all of them. Me and Mama together with Along and Adik tried to be strong as much as we can. We don't wanna worry Ayah too much as he will be having the operations the next day.

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